
dandelion1“Close your eyes, say what you wanna say and blow.
the harder you blow , the faster it will reach them”
mother would say to me growing up.

Dandelion, “Ghasedak” in Farsi means messenger. It refers to the light and fuzzy part of the flower that gets carried by the wind.

It moves about gently in the breeze to the person you want and spread your massage. I truly believed in that even in my late childhood; and my mom never really bothered to make me think otherwise.

I guess to her, it was a cheaper and safer way than allowing me to call or post friends and random people I met. I sent dandelions to people I didn’t even know their name or had not even met; I believed it would reach them. I guess doing almost about anything is fine as long as you truly believe in what you doing.

To this date, whenever I see one flying around me, I catch it and try to imagine who has sent it and what would they want me to know!

so yea, if there’s something you want me to know, just blow away a dandelion!

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